Our hosts at Optos were informative and friendly, giving us a look at what is coming in the future, for this wonderful technology. I tried to capture some of the flavor of our visit with photos, but it just isn’t the same without hearing everything in Scottish. The doctors with us were from all over the US and Canada, but Optos is definitely a Scottish product, and this was an immersion experience! I hope that this gives you a sense of our experience.

Daytona Optomap, shiny and ready for doctors to check out new software. Pts will love this, there is a new Auto Capture feature which takes the photos Super Fast. Staff is going to love it, too. So easy, a Doctor could do it :)

Lots of scary stuff that can be in your eyes, and not affect your vision at the moment (Don’t worry, this won’t all happen all at once, they made this photo up)

This was only half of one room. Lots of software engineers are involved in making the Optomap technology work.
- In knitting news, there has been lots of opportunity to knit, and I have made good progress on all the projects I have brought with me. I worked on the book on the plane, too! Here I am knitting, while editing on my iPad.