The days are speeding by, and Sunday is the last day to pre-order “Annetarsia Knits” PDF at a reduced price! On Monday, they will be delivered electronically, and everyone can see what the team has been working on for the past few years! I’m excited to see Annetarsia go out into the world, and to have people try my techniques. Check out Sarah Jaworowicz’s post from the other day, for her insight on the book design.
One Annetarsia technique is Yarn Gauge, and here is a report on how the Yarn supplies for Bolder Move are working out.

Seen from the WS. The 4 Vertical strands that have been terminated have been put into 2 pairs of strands, and each pair wound into a butterfly. Note that they are wound very close to the fabric, which anchors the strands below the needle and keeps them out of the way of the MC and the other Vertical strands.

Although the anchored Yarn butterflies keep the yarn out of the way, I prefer to trim the strands to 5 in. lengths when I don’t need them anymore. This eliminates any possibility of them contributing to a yarn party back there! The detached strands each measured less than a yard.
The yarn supplies have been plenty long enough, and could actually have been shorter, so far. This is a result of ” rounding up” at every opportunity. Although it might be construed as a waste of yarn, it gives me added security to have the bit extra length. When I have been more “accurate”, I have at times found myself eking out the last few stitches, and that isn’t comfortable knitting. I would rather have some tiny butterflies left at the end of a section.
I am very happy with how things are progressing, and the knitting goes faster and faster as I decrease stitches every pattern repeat. Bold Move , by designer Lorilee Beltman, is newly for sale on Ravelry, so check it out if you haven’t already.