It has been a whirlwind few weeks, and since I got back from Stitches I have been playing catch-up. Looking back through the photos of the trip reminds me of how much fun it was.
As usual, the students were exceptional in all of my classes. I keep adding content, but they continue to amaze me with how fast they catch on to everything. I was happy to see Margaret Whitehead in class. She took a class from me at Sock Summit, and it was wonderful to see her again.

Super knitter Margaret is the FIRST student in history to complete her project Argyle sock in class. I think the foot got shortened a bit, ahem, but that is just boring plain knitting, so who could blame her?
Another person I was excited to see was Bobbie Hodges. Bobbie had an idea for a “bat shawl”, and we designed one together for Annetarsia Knits. The pattern will be in the book with a new name, but Bobbie and I called it Battina during development. Nina Raqueno, of the Rochester Knitting Guild, took our photo, both wearing our Battinas. Bobbie is an amazing person, a wonderful knitter, with a generous spirit and sharp mind. It is an honor to showcase her work in Annetarsia Knits. Also, a scarf that she knit for the book will be featured in our Knitty ad for the Winter issue, so watch for that. Writing this book has been a long and hard journey, and Bobbie is one of the reasons I knew I couldn’t quit. Thanks, Bobbie, for everything.
The market was great, as usual. I did some shopping for Christmas presents, so you won’t see purchases this time. But I want to showcase North Light Fibers, whose yarn and project kits I fell in love with. When I start weaving again, NLF scarf kits will be on this girl’s wish list.
Another item that caught my attention was Harrisville yarns new potholder looms. Remember weaving potholders with cotton loops in the 1960’s? Well, these are new and improved, and although I resisted this time, I think this is a superior product. Not just for kids anymore, although any kid would love one.