The past few days have found me at the Village Yarn and Fiber shop, home of Dizzy Sheep and his groupies. I taught in the afternoon and evenings, and Wednesday night we had a party and lots of the Dizzy groupies who helped with the book were there, and I signed lots and lots of books. I enjoyed every moment, and am going to miss my students when I go home.
Of course, I was busy every minute and took no photos until the very, very end, when things were winding down. Trust me when I tell you that everyone in all the classes bowled me over with their enthusiasm, tenacity and talent. But here are some snapshots of students from the last class, who lingered a bit.

Kelly went home after class on Tuesday, pulled out some roving, and started a project using Annetarsia Garter stitch. This shows the working yarn, and her lovely butterflies, and the ends on the side, waiting to be buried in the edges. The colors and yarn are so lovely that we were all inspired! And, she knit this in one day, between classes, as well as working on her class project!
Inbetween classes, I visited and shopped. I am going to start another Dizzy scarf (I’ve knit 6 already, but they are so much fun to knit that I can’t stop), and Bobbie helped me choose yarn to make one like the scarf she knit for the Dizzy gallery.
Today I am taking a road trip with designer Marcia Weinert, who is driving me to Rhinebeck to sign in the authors section tomorrow. I am quite nervous about this, since I have never been there and don’t know what to expect. But, lots of Dizzy groupies and students from Stitches East will be there, and I am hoping some of them will drop by to say hi. I have made so many friends on this trip, and I hope they will keep in touch with me and send photos of their knitting!

I am going to make a Dizzy scarf to resemble the one Bobbie Hodges knit for the Dizzy gallery in “Annetarsia Knits”. I say “resemble” because I don’t think it could be duplicated! Village Yarn and Fiber doesn’t carry the Cascade 220 that she used, anymore, so Bobbie and I went around the shop looking for a worthy substitute. That was great fun, and we had lots of willing help with the shopping task. I’m using the Gina yarn that Bobbie used, and substituting Rowan Pure Wool for the Cascade 220. It is lovely yarn and I haven’t used it before, so I am looking forward to casting on….
Kelly Frost-cook