In our increasingly internet-driven society, congregations of like-minded folks are diminishing. But some of us still like to gather in person. Sporting events, church, biker groups….and Knitters. Rochester, NY is home to a large and vibrant knitting guild, and I had the pleasure of speaking to them, last night. I talked about Annetarsia, and how the Rochester knitting community based at the Village Yarn and Fiber shop helped to shape “Annetarsia Knits. Val McPherson, who designed a variation of the Namanu shawl, was present, and modeled her lovely Seneca Maples shawl. Marcia Weinert was also there, and I showed everyone my version of her pattern from the book, the Willamette sock. After the talk, folks came up to fondle the knitting, ask questions, and try out the techniques. They caught on fast!
Today, I will be at Village Yarn and Fiber to teach the “Basic Annetarsia” class, part 1, and there were so many folks wanting to come that I am teaching two sessions. Can’t wait!

Yes, I made this outfit! It is the Columbia Suit, and yes, the pattern is in “Annetarsia Knits”. Numerous people came up to ask, after my talk. I should have explained about the outfit during the talk, but honestly – I forgot that I was wearing it!

Val McPherson, designer of the Seneca Maples version of the Namanu shawl, is a member of RKG, and was there to model her shawl. She also shared her other version of the shawl, with a special motif she designed for her grandson, who uses a wheel chair due to a spinal disease.