My friend Jennifer, aka Stitch Diva ( has started a 7-day Lucet challenge. Every day she will send an e-mail with instructions on braiding with a Lucet. If you don’t know what it is and don’t have one, no worries, she teaches you how to make one with stuff you have around the house – like a plastic fork! From her Day One e-mail, I saw that a Hairpin lace loom can be used, and I happen to have one, although I haven’t used it yet. I purchased it a few years ago from Stitch Diva because I can’t resist a hand-made wooden anything! Happy to be using it, at last, even if it isn’t for Hairpin lace. Maybe that can be her next 7 day Challenge?? (hint, hint)

Hairpin lace loom, made by Ed Jenkins, Purchased at Stitch Diva (
I’m going to assemble some yarn and beads from my recent shawl spree and be ready to go for tomorrow’s lesson! If you want to join in, go to and get on the list! Braids might look good on the Christmas tree this year….
I also started knitting some anklets. Maybe for Christmas gifts, maybe for me. Who knows? I’m using a pattern for Fancy Feet Anklets, by Karin Dimeler-Lawrence, but adding some Annetarsia, just for fun.

WS: showing the loop for working Annetarsia ITR (in the round)

RS, knitting the cable detail in a lighter color.