It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone at the end of the Retreat weekend! I truly enjoyed every minute of our time together. Fortunately, I had another few days before I had to say goodbye to Vermont. We went back to Donna’s home to de-brief, and to make some instructional videos. Donna and I designed “Sound of Music” hats using the techniques taught over the weekend. We promised videos for the students to refer to when they got home and started to use the new techniques to knit the pattern.
Donna and Dom are really good at creating videos, and were spectacularly generous with their expertise and knowledge. We created a set for filming, and Dom edited the videos and created a YouTube channel for Annetarsia. So now you can refresh your memory and watch short videos on various Annetarsia tips and tricks, including setting up to work ITR, making a loop to work ITR, and burying ends. I am enormously grateful to have this done, and now I think I am ready to set up to film at home. The editing is beyond me, though – I’ll be asking for Dom’s help with that!!!!

setting up a place to film. The background is an old sweater of Donna’s. Knitting against a knitted background works really well. Using the iPhone camera and a bunch of lights, trying to avoid shadows.
After that was done, we relaxed. We knit, watched movies, leafed through knitting books and ate lots of good food. Say, when is the next retreat? I’m ready to sign up!

Buddy knows how to relax!

Donna and her buddy, Dixie.