It’s been a busy few weeks! Lots of traveling up and down the West Coast for Madrona Fiber Arts and Stitches West. I still haven’t unpacked or sorted through my photos and experiences – but I will be sharing them with you, I promise! Right now I am catching up at the office. Things sure pile up quickly when I am away.
Over the last two weeks I met many wonderful people- delightful knitters, vendors, teachers. Thank you to everyone for making these events wonderful experiences for everyone. I miss you, already.
My final class at Stitches West was on Sunday afternoon, when the market was closing and many people have gone home. Sometimes people are very tired at this point, but not the group who came to learn how to do Intarsia garter stitch! They were simply delightful, and were right on top of everything. I really enjoyed the whole class, the time simply flew. Here is a sample of their work.

Helen, who visited us from Switzerland! She took to intarsia garter stitch very easily, and was zigging and zagging before I knew it.