Back on the bus, heading to Anchorage, we stopped in Houston, Alaska for lunch at the Lumberyard Deli. Outside the deli, in the hall, local knitters and fiber artists set up a pop-up store for us. Their warmth and friendliness were much appreciated, and we had a wonderful time!

A pop up yarn store outside the Lumberyard Deli. Lunch? Who needs lunch? YARN!

Outside the Lumberyard Deli, Rebecca Marhenke introduced me to Shirley, Timmy and Shaun Sheep, who apparently love to meet knitters! They recognized me, as I was wearing the Sandy Hook shawl on the cover of Rebecca’s book. Meeting local knitters was a real treat, and these 3 little guys have a very nice home with them.

Home of very good potato salad and yummy sandwiches. We were there on a day they are normally closed, but they opened just for us!

Scott decided that cowls are easy. The skeins are pretty enough to wear, who needs to knit?