I’m teaching for VKL (Vogue Knitting Live) next week, and will be teaching a full slate of classes: Annetarsia: A Fresh Approach ( flat intarsia), and Annetarsia: in-the-round, how to insert Zippers flawlessly into hand-knits, and my ever-popular Gauge Master Class. I took February off, so can’t wait to get back to teaching. http://www.vogueknittinglive.com
This month there is something extra, though! I will be giving a virtual lecture on Friday, 3/19 which is very dear to my heart – how Knitting has been presented in published form over the past 125 years. I had a fabulous time going through my library to find the pamphlets/magazines/books that have influenced generations of knitters. It was difficult to choose the ones that I felt represented the eras best, and that I considered really important. I chose publications that started a trend, influenced style, or were incredible learning tools. Books have power that holds across generations. Magazines have personalities that change with their editors.

Barbara Walker: Interweave Knit Lab October 2012
Knitting pamphlets created by yarn companies have offered patterns to sell yarn, and highlight fashions of their era as well as a peek at how pattern writing has changed over time. Now, in the electronic age, Ravelry is a huge influencer.
I’ve been fortunate to know many authors in the current era, and my love for them is sprinkled through the lecture. Eventually, I became an author myself, and benefited greatly in that experience from the knowledge that I gained from others. Videos and classes are amazing tools for modern knitters, but most of us teaching learned from books! It is a slower way to learn, but tends to really stick with you. I refer to my library constantly, and although it takes as much space as my yarn stash does, they are both equally important to me. We need our tools, don’t we? Needles, yarn and my library are cherished assets for me that I take very seriously. But, they are also fun, and sources of great joy.

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee: Madrona Fiber Arts Feb 2015
I hope you will join me on Friday, March 19, as I highlight some real treasures. I can’t wait to share my love and passion for “Knitting through Time” with you!
Anne Berk