The past two weeks took me to Interweave YarnFest, the Boston Marathon, StephenBe’s Yarn Garage and Yarnover. Every day was an adventure, an opportunity to meet new people, visit and learn from old friends, and enjoy seeing different parts of the country.
I was so busy running around and enjoying the moment that I didn’t take as many photos as I should have. All of the events were extraordinary, with something happening every minute. It was all I could do to keep up!
Here are a few photos taken at StephenBe’s, in Minneapolis, where I thoroughly enjoyed my teaching experience.
I have one more week of BUSY as I catch up at work from this trip, and take one more short trip this weekend, for the wedding of my niece. Then I plan to take stock, and promise to share more about purchases made, and plans for the summer. Also, there will be a post on my 2015 Boston marathon experience!