Various works in progress

I’m finishing up my book, in the middle of training for the Portland marathon and knitting Chelsea’s shawl, and preparing for a new computer and software.  Here is the weekend wrap-up!

New computer is in the house!  Moving from .5 gig to 2 gigs, which should solve the slow-down problem.  I’m not hooking it up just yet, though, because I am writing some last pieces for the Book, and want to do it on software that I am familiar with.  Gee, I hate to say goodbye to Word 2007, but it is past time to move on.

new computer

New computer!









Chelsea’s shawl is progressing beautifully.  I’ll be honest, when I am making a new stitch I almost always use “M1L”, where you put the needle in from the front and knit into the back of the stitch.  It is more comfortable for me than “M1R” where you come in from the back and knit into the front of the stitch.  But Stephen West is a great designer, and he is very specific in this pattern about where to use one or the other increase, so I am following his instructions.  And, it looks great!chelsea close


I place a locking marker under the center stitch instead of surrounding it with markers.  It is easier for me, and I can’t follow EVERY rule, right?  chelsea 2






Now I am knitting the chevron edging, and it is very pretty and easy to follow the chart.  Lots of stitches, though.  This is my fourth project in a row with several hundred sts on the needle, and I am ready for something with less sts.  That sleeve for Mithril will be just the ticket, after this shawl is complete. chelsea 3








Jedi approves of the DIC Smooshy yarn.  She is getting spoiled with all of the great yarn around here.jedi chelsea yarn



I ran the first 20 mile run of the season yesterday, with my niece and favorite running companion, Lindsay.  We celebrated the finish with a popsicle, which tasted mighty fine, let me tell you!Lindsay training run 7 27 13

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