Some weeks take forever, and you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere. This was not one of those weeks! My new Craftsy class, “Simply Stunning Colorwork” debuted and took off like a rocket. We already have several really great discussions going, people are excited about the class and sharing their own tips, and I could not be happier.
While you at Craftsy, check out my friend Lorilee Beltman’s new class, “Continental knitting”. Click HERE for more information. I’ve signed up, and hope to start the class next week. Lorilee is a great teacher, and we can always improve our speed and efficiency if we practice and pay attention. It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut, and I am determined not to do that.
I also heard from Kate Bachus that the Astoria Sock KAL kits are selling well! She is going to have to get busy dying and assembling the mini-skein kits. We are both thrilled at the positive response. I know you will be even more enthusiastic when you see the kits and start to knit your own spirals! I sent the actual socks to Kate, and she will have them in the A Hundred Ravens booth at Vogue Knitting Live next weekend. So if you will be there, check them out. And, click HERE to get a kit if you haven’t, yet!
As if all that wasn’t enough, I found time this week to work on Bill’s sweater, the Duxbury Point Pullover, and am up to the armholes on the front. I’ve already knit the back, so in my mind, I am almost finished. Hear me out. I will be shaping the collar for the front, which lessens the knitting. And, then I just have the sleeves, which have less complex patterning. OK, OK, there is still plenty to do, but I will definitely finish the sweater this time :)
This weekend I will be starting to prepare for teaching in February, at Madrona Fiber Arts and Stitches West. A lot of my classes are full, but there are many fantastic classes to take. I have some work to do, re-knitting samples and demos that have gotten worn out or gone missing. So I will be working on those in the next few days. Every class is a fresh experience for me, and I want to make them better and better over time. I love to teach knitting!

Duxbury Point Pullover, Simply Shetland 4, yarn is Simply Shetland silk and lambswool, and is actually bluer than it looks here.