Learning new crafts is such fun, and a luxury when you have basically 2 careers and a full life. I had the chance to take a class from John Mularkey at Madrona Fiber Arts, to learn basic card weaving, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

John Mularkey, demonstrating the basices. He is a fantastic teacher, and guided us with humor, and patience.
I’ll have to confess to my husband that I have a little crush on John (he is just so doggone adorable), but Valentine’s Day didn’t see like the right time to do that! Check out what he does, on his website, Malarky Crafts.

First attempt at Card weaving. John warped the loom and the pattern is fairly simple. That helped a lot. Way to suck us in, John.

I warped this one, and am doing OK. The white blips on the side shouldn’t be there. That is my weft poking out because I didn’t pull it tight enough.

warping the card loom. This is tougher than it looks. I finished just before lunch, and was exhausted. So much concentration!!!! Ready to weave after lunch though.

Card loom set up, getting ready to start. This photo will help me remember how to wind the yarn around, to warp.
I bought a loom, of course. You knew that had to happen. I’m going to see if I can get started again this evening, while watching the Grammys. I don’t want to wait too long, I need to get more secure in the steps and see if I can go more than 3 repeats of the pattern before screwing up! Shoelaces are in my future……