Annetarsia is basically intarsia for lazy knitters. This means that, in my world, I strive for the absolutely easiest way to knit everything.
As I reported in the last blog post, Bold Move requires the MC be knit from the skein. This complicates the knitting, because the tethered MC tangles with the butterflies of contrast color (CC). In Annetarsia, I specifically design patterns that avoid a tethered color, because it slows down the knitting.
But, this is Lorilee’s pattern, it is brilliant, and I want that skirt! So, I have been searching for the best way to manage the MC. First I tried putting the MC strand around my neck, as for Portuguese knitting. I think this would work really well if you were better at the method. I’m not so great at it, but then I found that if I keep the MC way over to the side, and untangle each CC from the MC strand after using it, it has pretty much stopped tangling. The CC’s aren’t playing amongst themselves at all, and now that the MC is out of the way I am making good progress.
Exciting news on the book front! The book has been printed, and is ready for binding! The printer is sending a copy of the final pages to me, for review, and I can expect them tomorrow. I think it is very thoughtful of them to do this. If I open the pages and find a typo when it is too late to fix it, I will have a few months to get over it, before the book arrives. I’ve been working on this for over three years, and it is hard to believe that the book is really, REALLY done.
Hey, if the argyles are calling you, join me at Interweave Knit Lab, in 3 weeks!
Cheryl Scallon
Cheryl Scallon