It’s Christmas central at my house, as Christmas gifts are flying off my smaller looms. I find weaving very satisfying and am loving every minute.
My big box of yarn arrived from WEBS yesterday, and I cast on for the A-line tunic in Kureyon. This is going to be a quick, fun knit. That’s good, because I may end up re-knitting some things if the colors aren’t lining up well.

The finished sleeve is on the left, the sleeve in progress on the right. I am working only with col 170, as in the pattern, but am working from both ends of one ball, alternating every 2 rows. This is giving me a 2 row stripe. I thought I would like this better than the big, blocky stripes in the pattern sample. I’m not sure now, but I could re-knit these sleeves very easily. I just got the yarn yesterday afternoon. This is proving a quick knit!

One of the colors is on the bottom and the other on the top. I can’t tell which is which without the labels, so I am being very careful not to remove any!

Here is the sleeve in progress. I wound the ball I am using from each end, and am alternating balls every 2 rows. There is more contrast than you might expect, but with Noro Kureyon, you never know what you will get. Every single skein will be different, even in the same dye lot!
Nancy’s ColorPlay bag is getting some love! 41 patterns sold during the entire month of November. This week, word has been getting out, and we are up to a total of 137 sold! I will write a check before the end of the year, and plan to match all of your donations, to double the size of the check. Doctors without Borders is a cause close to my heart, they do important work and it has never been a tougher job. I hope knitters keep buying the pattern, HERE, and look forward to boosting the amount of donation. More information is in previous posts, including HERE.
“Annetarsia Knits” continues to sell well, which is very gratifying. I love to hear the comments about how easy the techniques are to learn from the book, and how pretty you think it is. My husband (the main photographer) likes to hear that, too! Remember that if you would like to give an autographed copy to someone, the shipping will be waived. See the BOOK page.
Today I learned that there will be no Stitches East in 2015. I have greatly enjoyed my visits to Stitches East, and have wonderful memories of students, the market, and visits with other teachers. It will be interesting to see how Stitches events evolve from this point. Their team is smart and savvy, and I look forward to what comes next.
I started to run again this week, and it is going well. Only about 5 miles at a time, but no pain, and just the normal fatigue with starting to train from scratch. I’ve psyched myself up for running in the rain and the dark, so it isn’t so bad. I’m back on track, baby…
Most of my Big Box of yarn was for weaving, and I am getting ready to warp the Baby Wolf again. This weekend is another weaving weekend with Tracy, Lisa, and whoever else can make it. I learned a tremendous amount last time, and can’t wait to show them what I have done, and plan more projects.
I will also be teaching Annetarsia this Sunday afternoon, at the Naked Sheep Knit shop, here in Portland. The class is sold out, but I will be there in January, also, so come join us then.
My classes are sold out at Madrona, also (February), but some classes are still available at Stitches West.
Also, I will be at Interweaves new event, Interweave Yarn fest, in April, at Loveland, CO. There is still room in 2 of my favorite classes, “Argyle socks” and “Annetarsia Garter stitch”. If it is like past Interweave events (which I expect it to be) this will be a fun, intimate venue with lots of interaction between students and teachers. I would love to meet some of you there, in beautiful Colorado.